Read all the latest CYC Foundation news in our monthly e-newsletter, the Beacon.
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From the Helm
October 11, 2023
by Matt Gallagher
The CYC Foundation supports boating in four ways: introduction to boating; induction to continuing boating education; developing boaters’ skills; and inspiring young boaters to greatness. Today, I want to share with you what we’re doing on the inspiration front.
In a Sea Scout's Own Words: The Long Cruise
October 11, 2023
by Regina Kurkowski
Regina Kurkowski, 17, is a member of Sea Scout Ship 5870, which conducted a five-day cruise for ten Scouts aboard two sailboats, Maris and Reflections, in July 2023. Here is her first-hand account of the adventure.
Day 1: We–ten Sea Scouts from Ship 5870–arrived at Burnham Harbor and loaded the two boats with food and supplies. Then we refueled and pumped out.
Youth Voices: Foundation Programs
October 11, 2023
by Diane Foote
Regular readers of the Beacon know how proud the Foundation is of our programs and partnerships; and you also know we're not shy about it! But you don't have to take our word for it. This month, we are focusing on the voices that truly matter: those of our young program participants. Hear from them in their own words here in this compilation,
From the Helm
September 20, 2023
by Greg Miarecki
Welcome to the September issue of the Beacon! This season has been one for the record books at your Chicago Yacht Club Foundation. Thanks to your support, we have been able to launch five new sailing camps for young people from underrepresented communities.
CYC Foundation Sponsors New "Judd's Sailing Camp" for Chicagoland Children with Disabilities
September 20, 2023
by Megan McNichols
Steering the boat was eight-year-old Ione’s favorite part of sailing while Viviana, 9, liked “riding into the waves because it’s bumpy and so much fun.”
Donor Spotlight | The Whitford Family
September 20, 2023
by Diane Foote
For Chris Whitford, sailing has always been a family affair. Whitford grew up in Delaware and sailed on the Rehoboth Bay and the Chesapeake Bay with his family, all of whom are lifelong boaters.
From the Helm
August 17, 2023
by Nick Camino
Welcome to the August 2023 edition of the Beacon and my first ever From the Helm. Since I am new on these pages, let me take a moment to explain how I got involved with the Foundation.
The Chicago Regatta Funds Six Sailing Camps in 2023
August 17, 2023
by Francesca Sigmond
This past year, the Foundation has grown our sailing camp program from one camp in 2022 for SOS Children's Villages to five in 2023!
The Chicago Regatta and the CYC Foundation
August 17, 2023
by Diane Foote
The Chicago Regatta is coming up on September 9, and the CYC Foundation is once again one of the three featured charities to benefit from this exciting event.
From the Helm
July 28, 2023
by Greg Miarecki
I’ve been off the grid for a few months of the Beacon, and I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know some of my colleagues on the Chicago Yacht Club Foundation Board.
Whitehawk Week 2023
July 28, 2023
by Eileen O’Neill
Peter and Marijane Thornton, members of Chicago Yacht Club and long-time Chicago Foundation supporters, generously shared their ketch Whitehawk with the CYC Foundation, sailing her to Monroe Harbor to officially kick off Whitehawk Week on July 12-14, 2023.
July 28, 2023
Congratulations on taking first place, Young Guns! This team from CYC was undefeated in the Corinthian Young Guns Team Race at Seawanhaka Yacht Club on Long Island, NY.
July 28, 2023
Congratulations to the Union League Boys and Girls Clubs Swim School for completing their summer 2023 program!
Tall Ship STEM Cruises Complement Lead HER Ship Program
July 28, 2023
by Diane Foote
This July, nearly 300 young people from across the Chicago area who have not had access to many lakefront opportunities took part in a series of programs aboard the tall ship Inland Seas.
From the Helm
June 28, 2023
by Diane Foote
Boats are in the water and work at the Chicago Yacht Club Foundation is at a fever pitch to deliver on-the-water programs this summer!
My name is Diane Foote, and I am pleased and proud to have joined the Board of the Chicago Yacht Club Foundation fairly recently, beginning my term in January 2023. The mission of the Foundation resonates with me as a sailor, and as a parent.
Record Amount Raised in CYC Cruising Sail Fleet Bilge Auction
June 28, 2023
by Megan McNichols
Spirited bidding for items ranging from a week-long sailing adventure in the British Virgin Islands to a vintage life vest raised a record $28,000 to benefit the Chicago Yacht Club’s Sea Scout Ship Privateer.
Union League Boys and Girls Clubs Honors Foundation with Award for Outstanding Partnership
June 28, 2023
by Eileen O’Neill
The Union League Boys and Girls Clubs held its annual luncheon and annual meeting on May 11, which also served as an opportunity to honor partners, scholarship recipients, trustees, and outstanding organizations that have shown tremendous support to the Clubs.
From the Helm
May 25, 2023
by Erin Mitchell
Summer is about to be in full swing, and we have a lot of exciting updates to share from the Chicago Yacht Club Foundation!
My name is Erin Mitchell, and I am the Secretary of the Chicago Yacht Club Foundation.
Charting with the Sea Scouts
May 25, 2023
At a Sea Scout meeting last month, ten members of the Sea Scout Ship Privateer learned about seamanship and navigation from a true expert: Jarrik Mitchell, veteran of the U.S. Navy and husband of Foundation Secretary Erin Mitchell.
Francesca Sigmond Named First CYC Foundation Program Manager
May 25, 2023
The Chicago Yacht Club Foundation is pleased to announce that Francesca Sigmond will fill the newly-created position of Foundation Program Manager.