Navigating New Horizons: The Partnership Between CYC Foundation and BUILD Chicago Inc.
September 27, 2024
by Danyell Shin
This summer, the Chicago Yacht Club Foundation (CYCF) partnered with BUILD Chicago Inc. to offer an exciting week-long Adventure Boating Camp, designed to inspire hope and provide new opportunities for youth in some of Chicago’s most challenging neighborhoods. This continued partnership focuses on helping young people develop confidence, leadership, and teamwork skills through hands-on sailing experiences.
BUILD (Broader Urban Involvement & Leadership Development), established in 1969, is one of Chicago’s leading organizations in gang intervention, violence prevention, and youth development. With a mission to inspire hope and offer opportunities to youth facing systemic obstacles, BUILD reaches more than 6,500 youth and families each year, focusing on neighborhoods such as Austin, East Garfield Park, Humboldt Park, Hermosa, Logan Square, and Fuller Park. Their prevention programs blend restorative Justice, conflict mediation, arts, athletics, and mental health programming, and BUILD is recognized as an evidence-based Model Program by the U.S. Department of Justice.
The CYCF Adventure Boating Camp was pivotal in BUILD’s “Growing Hope: Prevention” initiative. This initiative is designed to immerse young people in diverse cultural and recreational activities, and the Adventure Boating Camp was a key component. It took place during the week of July 22 at the CYCF Monroe Station, with 10 students participating. Throughout the week, these young “BUILDers” had the chance to explore the wonders of sailing on Lake Michigan, engaging in both on-water and off-water activities.
Through this powerful partnership, CYCF and BUILD Chicago program introduced students to keelboat basics, sailing knots, wind directions, and boat mechanics while emphasizing the importance of leadership, teamwork, and communication. As they sailed across Lake Michigan, students learned to work together, gaining confidence in their abilities while discovering the joy of sailing. The camp provided them with a unique opportunity to experience life beyond their neighborhoods and engage with the rich maritime culture of Chicago lakefront, sparking excitement and intrigue among the youth participants.
The program has not only equipped them with new skills but also sparked a sense of adventure and curiosity that should help guide them in their future endeavors. We hoped their experiences helped them to develop a deeper appreciation for the environment around them, instilling a sense of hope and inspiration for their future.
CYCF and BUILD Chicago are transforming lives, one sail at a time, and offering a beacon of hope for youth to navigate towards brighter futures.