From the Helm

September 27, 2024

by Greg Miarecki

When I look at the progress your Foundation has made over the past few years, I sometimes wonder if I am dreaming. Thanks to the hard work of our professional team and our many partners, we have launched more than 30 programs in the past three years. And many of them have been kicked into overdrive by our donors, who have taken our call to “do big things together” seriously. This month, read about our new Monroe Community Sailing Initiative, which could not have been launched without the donation of a J/100 Whaat’s Up from our friends Paul and Susan Herer. Also, check out the feature on our partnership with BUILD Chicago, initiated by our friends Bryon and Lisa Ehrhart. We are grateful for their leadership, as well as the support of hundreds of donors and friends across the country. Stay tuned for more exciting news in the coming months, as we shift from sailing season into celebration season!


Chicago Yacht Club and Columbia Yacht Club Foundations Collaborate to Introduce Chicagoland Kids to Sailing


Navigating New Horizons: The Partnership Between CYC Foundation and BUILD Chicago Inc.