Whitehawk Week 2023
“I fell in love with sailing when I was their age and the passion has never left me.”
—Peter Thornton
“The owner, Pete, and I had a conversation about boats and about how I would buy his boat. The Captain and I talked about getting a captain’s license. This was just an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime experience.”
—Timmy Carter, 13
CYC Foundation donors Peter and Marijane Thornton generously shared their 104-foot ketch Whitehawk with the CYC Foundation in July, taking campers from Jackson Park Yacht Club’s sailing school on a series of four cruises. The Foundation is the platinum sponsor of the school’s Open Horizons for Youth program, which puts more than 300 kids through sailing camp every year.
Later that evening, the Foundation hosted a reception to raise funds for the Foundation and unveil the new Whitehawk Trophy, to be awarded in 2023 onward for the fastest corrected time in the CYC Race to Mackinac’s Cruising Division.