CYC Foundation Announces New Partnership with Judd Goldman Adaptive Sailing Foundation to present "Judd's Sailing Camp"

April 28, 2023

Building on our mission to introduce the joys of boating to Chicagoland children, the Chicago Yacht Club Foundation will partner with the Judd Goldman Adaptive Sailing Foundation (JGASF) to present Judd’s Sailing Camp, a new program designed to introduce the sport of sailing to children with physical disabilities. 

Judd’s Sailing Camp will consist of eight lessons held on Wednesday mornings at the Judd Goldman Sailing Center in Burnham Harbor this summer. On the final day of camp, the kids will celebrate their new sailing skills with a graduation party where both Foundations will present sailing gear to all participants. Chicago-based Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, a nationally-renowned rehabilitation facility, will assist both Foundations in identifying children for the program and transporting them to the Harbor.

Judd’s Sailing Camp is named as a tribute to Judd Goldman, a longtime member of the Chicago Yacht Club. Judd was 17 years old when he was diagnosed with a disabling bone disease. After realizing there were few sports in which he could participate, Judd discovered sailing. Over the

next 58 years, he successfully competed in races throughout the world including more than 20 Chicago Yacht Club Races to Mackinac. After Judd’s passing in 1989, his family established the Judd Goldman Adaptive Sailing Foundation in 1990 as a public/private partnership with the Chicago Park District. Today, more than 1,000 participants experience the joy and independence of sailing each year through JGASF programs.   

Judd’s Sailing Camp is being underwritten by the Chicago Yacht Club Foundation in 2023. “The Chicago Yacht Club Foundation is excited to partner with the Judd Goldman Adaptive Sailing Foundation to offer Judd’s Sailing Camp,” said Greg Miarecki, CYC Foundation President.“Together, we’re looking forward to introducing these kids to the sport of sailing,” he said.  

JGASF President Peter Goldman, Judd’s son and also a Chicago Yacht Club member, added, “Thanks to the support of the Chicago Yacht Club Foundation, we’re able to expand our programming in a meaningful way. We believe this will be a great experience for the sailors who join us this summer,” he said. “We’re especially excited to offer transportation to and from our sailors’ homes. This is a unique and ground-breaking practice for people with disabilities,” Goldman added.

Watch for more details about Judd’s Sailing Camp in future editions of the Beacon.


From the Helm


The Mac Race and CYC Foundation Partner to Bring Chicago Youth to Lakefront