CYC Foundation Announces Its Largest-Ever Annual Appeal Including Up To $100,000 in Matching Funds

December 15, 2022

In early December, the CYC Foundation formally announced the largest annual appeal in the Foundation’s history. The Foundation seeks to raise $200,000 to support its important mission of introducing underserved Chicagoland children to the joys and benefits of being on the water.

“If we can meet this ambitious goal, we can serve hundreds – perhaps thousands – of additional kids,” said Nick Camino, Foundation Board Member. “We’re inspired by the support and encouragement of our many donors and hope everyone will join them in supporting our important work.”

As part of the Annual Appeal, the Foundation also announced that a small group of donors has pledged to match every dollar donated up to $100,000 to help meet the $200,000 goal.

“It’s the perfect time to give,” said Nick. “Every dollar donated now has twice the impact it has at any other time of the year.”

To donate to the Foundation’s Annual Appeal, please click here. For more information on the Foundation and how to give, please contact Foundation President Greg Miarecki at


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