2024 Annual Appeal Nets 110% of Our Goal
January 24, 2025
Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to our 2024 Annual Appeal! You helped us surpass our ambitious goal to raise $400,000, with more than $440,000 raised to support our 2025 programs!
Please note: Annual Appeal donations include those received in the fourth quarter of 2024; the full year’s donations will be recognized in the 2025 Impact Report.
Bob Albert
Glenn Aldinger, M.D.
Kara Allen and Earle Atwater
Commodore Charles Anderson and Rita Anderson
Aiala Angueira
Cyd Archer
James and Susan Armstrong
Brett August and
Carey August, M.D.
Peter Bailey
Avery Baldwin
Kathy Barnard
Elizabeth Barrett
Janet Baxter
Caroline Bayless
Barbara Bebee
Michael Belsley and Nina Owen
John and Christine Benish
Robert J. Bied
Bill and Jude Bloom
Past Commodore Gerald Bober and Sandy Bober
Julian Bowes
Frank ten Brink and Jeannine Cleary
Michael Buck
Ian Burns
Jay Butler and Cheryl Stein
Jacquelyn K. Butzen
Carrie and Nick Camino
William Chapman
JPMorgan Chase
Nathaniel Clapp
Brian Coe and Lindsey Duda
Morgan Collins
Jeremiah and Nancy Connolly
William and Tammy Conrardy
Madeleine Cooney
CNA Corporation
Brian and Christine Crabb
Janet and Shayle Epstein Crabb
John Grant Crowley
Past Commodore Lisa Curcio Gaston
The Curtiss Family
Will Curtiss
Marilyn Cutler
Captain Dave’s Foundation
Mark Davis
Charles DeGraff and Joy Hajduk-DeGraff
Jennifer and George Dorsch
Philip and Marsha Dowd
The Duda Family Foundation
Bruce and Nancie Dunn
Christopher Ehlke
Bryon and Lisa Ehrhart
Jack Elkin
Peter Ellis
Emerson Charitable Trust
Michael Evans
Tom and Mary Falck
Edward Falkenhayn
Andrew Faville
Rich Feffer
Gary and Patti Feracota
Scott and Alison Ferron
Alec Fett
Barbara Filippini
Ian and Gayle Fisher
The Foote Family
Samantha Foulston
Michael and Allison Frerker
Matthew and Emily Gallagher
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Charles and Maribel Gerstner
Michael and Grace Gillian
Casey and Eileen O’Neill Gioielli
Peter and Carol Goldman
Richard Gray
Bridget Groble
Raymond Groble IV
Raymond H. Groble III
Chris and Carolyn Groobey
Joanne Guennewig
Past Commodore Joseph S. Haas
Lee Hamilton
Robert Hann
Christopher Harnack
Theodore and Carla Herr
Catherine Hillenmeyer
Lauren Holderman
Peter Holz
William Holz
Vicki Hood
John and Marian Hoskins
Jeff Hudson
David and Beth Hughes
Edwin Baird Jones
Shawn Joseph
Erinn Kenney
Matt Knighton
Gabriel Kochmer
Robert and Brooke Kolar
Janice Kramer
Andrea Krasinski
Elissa and Steven Lafayette
John and Bonita Laing
Mario LaPlaca
Charles Lawless
Warren and Sue Ellen Levins
Rocky Levy
Rick and Mary Ann Lillie
Anne and Rocque Lipford Jr.
Jill Liska
Sargent and Lundy
David and Megan Mahon
Steven Mash, M.D.
Michael and Merry Mayer
Bernard and Suzanne McDonald
Rosemary Metzger
Past Commodore Greg Miarecki and Chris Albanis, M.D.
Jeffrey and Rose Mills
Erin and Jarrik Mitchell
Eric Morrisroe
Nicholas M. Naber
Thomas and Barbara O’Laughlin
Claire and James O’Neill
Kelly O'Neill
Thomas O'Neill and Mary Ann Kennedy O'Neill
William and Sara Oakes
Eric Oesterle
Rodger Owen
Clark Pellett
Stella Potter
Janice Promer
Amelia Quinn
Sarah Renz
Tod Reynolds and Jen Wilson
Stephanie Roble
Adrianne Rotfeld
Marc Rubenstein
Ann Rundle
Sailboat Sales
Rear Commodore Martin Sandoval and Diana Sandoval
Adam Schaefer
Randall Schmidt and Kristin Berg
Jonathan Schumacher
Kendra Scott
Barry Sears
Maggie Shea
Steven and Barbara Krech Sickler
Richard Sidell Jr, M.D.
Francesca Sigmond
Past Commodore Leif Sigmond and Vice Commodore Laura Sigmond
Aimee Smith
Valen Smith
Winn Soldani and Lara Venema
Michael Sollitt
Danny Spitz
Richard Stuckey
James Sugrue
Celeste Sullivan
Lauren Sullivan
Mindy and John Sullivan
Shannon Sullivan
Jennifer Tengelsen
Christopher and Noelle Thomas
Peter and Marijane Thornton
Dustin Toale
Ted and Whitney Key Towey
John Umlauf
Chris Val
Samuel and Sonja Veilleux
Bob and Roberta Washlow
Christopher J. Whitford
Ruzica and Robert J. Wiesen
Annika Wilhelm
Lars and Felicia Wilhelm
Ivy Williams
Richard and Megan Witzel
Don and Carol Wolniak
Alex Woloshyn
Jane Stroud Wright